

Consulting / 

UX/UI Testing

Consulting / 

UX/UI Testing

Consulting / 

UX/UI Testing

Consulting / 

UX/UI Testing

In 2021, Diakonie Deutschland commissioned us to optimize an internal information portal that serves as a central point of contact for data protection-compliant tools and applications for employees. Although the portal was already a valuable resource with over 460 users and 100 listed applications, systematic surveys of user needs were lacking.

The goal of the project was to identify user requirements through surveys and interviews and to specifically optimize the platform.


Diakonie Deutschland


Consulting, UX/UI Testing




We conducted an online survey among existing users to better understand their usage habits, challenges, and requirements. In addition, in-depth interviews were carried out to validate the results of the survey. These processes led to the creation of three main personas that represent different user groups: executives, IT managers, and support staff. The personas were based on key parameters such as usage frequency, work environment, field of work, and team size.


Survey results on user demographics: The distribution of respondents by age group, team size, work environment, and usage frequency shows the diversity of the platform's user base, which led to the derivation of relevant personas.


The biggest problem of the portal was the inadequate search function as well as the complex navigation and the unhelpful categorizations. It became clear that especially leaders and tech-savvy users, who are often responsible for the decision to use the tool, use the portal to find specific tools for their organizations. However, the existing filter options and search results were too unspecific and made it difficult to quickly find relevant applications.


Consolidation of survey results for the creation of personas: The key parameters, such as frequency of use, work environment, field of work, and team size, are combined to create detailed personas that reflect the current users of the platform.


Persons Maike and Stefan: Maike, a consultant in the field of education, and Stefan, head of IT in the area of disabilities, represent two different target groups of the platform with their individual needs and challenges.


The analysis and the derived personas formed a solid basis for the further development of the portal. The proposed improvements will not only increase user-friendliness but also enhance the relevance of the platform for the various user groups, especially for those responsible for selecting digital applications.


User interface of the technology database: The homepage and search page of the platform, providing centralized access to data protection-compliant tools, with markers for change and improvement recommendations.


The analysis and the derived personas formed a solid foundation for the further development of the portal. The proposed improvements will not only increase user-friendliness but also enhance the relevance of the platform for the various user groups, particularly for those responsible for selecting digital applications.


Söther is a design studio based in the heart of Berlin, spe­cial­ized in branding and UX/UI design. The com­pany helps its clients de­vel­op visionary brands that are sus­tain­ably suc­cess­ful. Söther places a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on of­fer­ing small­er com­pa­nies the same high stan­dard of ser­vice and cre­ativity that they are used to from large agen­cies. With tai­lored so­lu­tions and an en­gaged team, Söther creates vi­su­al iden­ti­ties that strengthen brands and pos­ition them long-term in the market.


Söther is a design studio based in the heart of Berlin, spe­cial­ized in branding and UX/UI design. The com­pany helps its clients de­vel­op visionary brands that are sus­tain­ably suc­cess­ful. Söther places a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on of­fer­ing small­er com­pa­nies the same high stan­dard of ser­vice and cre­ativity that they are used to from large agen­cies. With tai­lored so­lu­tions and an en­gaged team, Söther creates vi­su­al iden­ti­ties that strengthen brands and pos­ition them long-term in the market.


Söther is a design studio based in the heart of Berlin, spe­cial­ized in branding and UX/UI design. The com­pany helps its clients de­vel­op visionary brands that are sus­tain­ably suc­cess­ful. Söther places a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on of­fer­ing small­er com­pa­nies the same high stan­dard of ser­vice and cre­ativity that they are used to from large agen­cies. With tai­lored so­lu­tions and an en­gaged team, Söther creates vi­su­al iden­ti­ties that strengthen brands and pos­ition them long-term in the market.


Söther is a design studio based in the heart of Berlin, spe­cial­ized in branding and UX/UI design. The com­pany helps its clients de­vel­op visionary brands that are sus­tain­ably suc­cess­ful. Söther places a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on of­fer­ing small­er com­pa­nies the same high stan­dard of ser­vice and cre­ativity that they are used to from large agen­cies. With tai­lored so­lu­tions and an en­gaged team, Söther creates vi­su­al iden­ti­ties that strengthen brands and pos­ition them long-term in the market.

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