
Vibrant Ventures
Vibrant Ventures
Vibrant Ventures
Vibrant Ventures
Vibrant Ventures

Branding /
Web Design

Branding /
Web Design

Branding /
Web Design

Branding /
Web Design

The goal of this pro­ject was to de­vel­op a new brand strat­e­gy and com­plete vi­su­al brand­ing for the newly founded brand Vibrant Ventures, which spun off from the parent company Wendero.

The chal­lenge was to create a brand that con­veys both in­no­va­tion and pro­fes­sion­al­ism while ap­peal­ing to a ver­sat­ile au­di­ence, in­clud­ing start­ups, es­tab­lished com­pa­nies, and investors.

The Vibrant brand aimed to estab­lish itself as a dy­namic player in the venture capital sector.

Vibrant Ventures GmbH
Strategy, Concept, Branding, Logo Design, Web Design


Our strategic approach began with an intensive brand strategy workshop, in which the core values and brand personality of Vibrant were defined. The focus was on the “why” of the brand: “Empowering a World full of Life and Energy.” In this workshop, we prioritized the needs of the target audience and developed a clear strategy that emphasizes the attributes of clarity, strength, and innovation of Vibrant.


StyleScape: A style­scape is a col­lec­tion of brand as­sets such as col­ors, typog­ra­phy, pho­tog­ra­phy, pat­terns, etc., com­bined by a de­sign­er to build the vi­su­al aes­thet­ic of a brand. It is a more re­fined ver­sion of a mood­board, but does not reach the same level of de­tail as a brand guide.


Based on the strategic insights, the visual branding of Vibrant was developed. The choice of colors played a central role: blue as the main color symbolizes professionalism and clarity, while orange as an accent color emphasizes the creative and future-oriented energy of the brand. In addition, a logo was designed that conveys dynamism and energy while also highlighting the professional character of Vibrant Ventures. The overall visual style, including typography and imagery, has been documented in the Brand Style Guide to ensure a consistent brand identity.

Web Design

In addition to branding, the design of a user-friendly website was a central element of the project. The website was designed to be intuitively navigable and convey a clear, memorable message. The information architecture was tailored to the various target groups of Vibrant Ventures to effectively address both startups and investors. Wireframes served as the foundation for the final design, which emphasizes the core values of the brand through clear communication and engaging visual design.


Wireframes of the Vibrant website: Initial drafts of the structure and func­tion­al­ity that serve as the ba­sis for the fi­nal de­sign and user experience.


A major challenge was to create a brand that appears both innovative and professional, appealing to the broad target audience of Vibrant Ventures. This required a clear differentiation in the venture capital market and an emphasis on the unique values of Vibrant. Additionally, we had to ensure that both the branding and the web design successfully reflected the versatility and dynamism of the brand.


Already in the first months after the launch, Vibrant Ventures recorded a significant increase in brand awareness. The positive feedback from startups and investors confirmed the effectiveness of the new branding and website. The launch also led to strong engagement from website visitors, which can be attributed to the successful interplay of branding and web design.



The development of a new brand strategy and consistent visual branding for Vibrant Ventures was a crucial step in successfully positioning the brand in the venture capital sector. By specifically targeting the target groups and clearly communicating the brand values, Vibrant Ventures was able to establish itself as a dynamic and innovative player. The close connection between strategy, branding, and web design significantly contributed to the success of the project.


Söther is a design studio based in the heart of Berlin, spe­cial­ized in branding and UX/UI design. The com­pany helps its clients de­vel­op visionary brands that are sus­tain­ably suc­cess­ful. Söther places a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on of­fer­ing small­er com­pa­nies the same high stan­dard of ser­vice and cre­ativity that they are used to from large agen­cies. With tai­lored so­lu­tions and an en­gaged team, Söther creates vi­su­al iden­ti­ties that strengthen brands and pos­ition them long-term in the market.


Söther is a design studio based in the heart of Berlin, spe­cial­ized in branding and UX/UI design. The com­pany helps its clients de­vel­op visionary brands that are sus­tain­ably suc­cess­ful. Söther places a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on of­fer­ing small­er com­pa­nies the same high stan­dard of ser­vice and cre­ativity that they are used to from large agen­cies. With tai­lored so­lu­tions and an en­gaged team, Söther creates vi­su­al iden­ti­ties that strengthen brands and pos­ition them long-term in the market.


Söther is a design studio based in the heart of Berlin, spe­cial­ized in branding and UX/UI design. The com­pany helps its clients de­vel­op visionary brands that are sus­tain­ably suc­cess­ful. Söther places a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on of­fer­ing small­er com­pa­nies the same high stan­dard of ser­vice and cre­ativity that they are used to from large agen­cies. With tai­lored so­lu­tions and an en­gaged team, Söther creates vi­su­al iden­ti­ties that strengthen brands and pos­ition them long-term in the market.


Söther is a design studio based in the heart of Berlin, spe­cial­ized in branding and UX/UI design. The com­pany helps its clients de­vel­op visionary brands that are sus­tain­ably suc­cess­ful. Söther places a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on of­fer­ing small­er com­pa­nies the same high stan­dard of ser­vice and cre­ativity that they are used to from large agen­cies. With tai­lored so­lu­tions and an en­gaged team, Söther creates vi­su­al iden­ti­ties that strengthen brands and pos­ition them long-term in the market.

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Copyright © 2025 Tim Alexander Söther.
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